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Photos: Religious art

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67 photos - 1 page
Cathedral, Lima
Cathedral, Lima
Lord of Luren, Ica
Lord of Luren, Ica
Altar of the Virgin of Candelaria, Puno
Altar of the Virgin of Candelaria, Puno
Corpus Christi in Cusco, Cuzco
Corpus Christi in Cusco, Cuzco
Immaculate Virgin. 1670, Cuzco
Immaculate Virgin. 1670, Cuzco
'The Pietà'. Lampa
'The Pietà'. Lampa
Altar detail of the Ayacucho Cathedral
Altar detail of the Ayacucho Cathedral
Saint Thomas Aquinas. Circa 1720-40, Arequipa
Saint Thomas Aquinas. Circa 1720-40, Arequipa
Betrothal of the Virgin. Circa 1680, Cuzco
Betrothal of the Virgin. Circa 1680, Cuzco
Virgin. Vivanco House, Ayacucho
Virgin. Vivanco House, Ayacucho
Seating of the La Merced Convent, Lima
Seating of the La Merced Convent, Lima
Hell, Church of Huaro
Hell, Church of Huaro
Choir stalls of San Francisco Church in Cuzco
Choir stalls of San Francisco Church in Cuzco
Chorus Stalls. Cuzco Cathedral
Chorus Stalls. Cuzco Cathedral
Saint Rose of Lima
Saint Rose of Lima
Our Lady of Candlemas, by Bitti
Our Lady of Candlemas, by Bitti
Virgin Dolorosa, Lima
Virgin Dolorosa, Lima
Virgin of Cocharcas
Virgin of Cocharcas
Enthroned Trinity as Three Equal Persons. Circa 1690-95, Arequipa
Enthroned Trinity as Three Equal Persons. Circa 1690-95, Arequipa
Our Lady of the Milk, by Pérez de Alesio
Our Lady of the Milk, by Pérez de Alesio
Main Altarpiece, Church of San Lorenzo, Trujillo
Main Altarpiece, Church of San Lorenzo, Trujillo
Santa Cecilia, Lima
Santa Cecilia, Lima
Main altarpiece of Mansiche Church in Trujillo
Main altarpiece of Mansiche Church in Trujillo
Mercedarians evangelizing in Santa Cruz de la Sierra
Mercedarians evangelizing in Santa Cruz de la Sierra
Archangel Eliel. 17th century
Archangel Eliel. 17th century
Custody, Cajamarca
Custody, Cajamarca
Colonial paintings
Colonial paintings
Side Altarpiece, Church of Lari
Side Altarpiece, Church of Lari
Virgin of the Remedies, Lima
Virgin of the Remedies, Lima
Main altar of the San José hacienda church
Main altar of the San José hacienda church
Interior of the Cathedral, Arequipa
Interior of the Cathedral, Arequipa
Interior of the Cathedral, Arequipa
Interior of the Cathedral, Arequipa
Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo
Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo
San Francisco Solano
San Francisco Solano
Saint Joachim and the Virgin
Saint Joachim and the Virgin
Sand sculpture, Pachacamac
Sand sculpture, Pachacamac
San Agustín, Cuzco
San Agustín, Cuzco
Saint James the Moor-slayer
Saint James the Moor-slayer
Crucifix on Pedestal (19th century), Ayacucho School
Crucifix on Pedestal (19th century), Ayacucho School
Immaculate Virgin
Immaculate Virgin
The Pilgrim
The Pilgrim
Death of Saint Camillus de Lellis. 1762
Death of Saint Camillus de Lellis. 1762
Ecce Homo by Pedro de Mena
Ecce Homo by Pedro de Mena
Nazareno carrying the Cross (17th-18th Century)
Nazareno carrying the Cross (17th-18th Century)
Coronation of the Virgin
Coronation of the Virgin
Christ Gathers His Garments. Circa 1570-90
Christ Gathers His Garments. Circa 1570-90
Salome with the Baptist's head
Salome with the Baptist's head
Christ of the Good Death
Christ of the Good Death

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