FAQ: Transports
- How to reserve tickets for domestic flights from my country?
- Where to find a taxi in the cities?
- Is it possible to rent a car in Lima?
- How to go to Machu Picchu?
- How to go to Iquitos?
- Can I travel around the country by bus or train?
How much does
a domestic flight cost?
A Lima - Cuzco (only one way) costs today US$ 79.00. The other flights cost almost the same price, whatever the distance.
Where to find
a taxi in the cities?
To find a taxi is very easy, just… raise your hand and await maximum 2 min; almost a car on 5 is a taxi… The same for buses!
Is it possible
to rent a car in Lima?
One can rent a car indeed. Is needed the driving license from your country (no need for an international) and a little courage because to drive in Peru is not really recommended, especially in big cities because of the “Latino” way of driving; moreover, the roads are not yet in very good condition.
If you really you wish to drive, limit you to the coast and the Pan-American road. You can also rent a car with a driver. You will find a multitude of agencies in the cities which rent cars of any type. Nevertheless, think of a car with air-conditioning, automatic door locks and alarm. Know also that Peru is a big country comparing with Europe and that the average speed is 90 km per hour considering the condition of the roads. Make a good plan before considering your excursions. The best means of transport remains generally the plane: fast and affordable.
How to go
to Machu Picchu?
There are two possibilities:
- Taking the train from Cusco, departure early in the morning and arrival a few hours later. From there, after 20 min by bus, you are in Machu. The same for the way back except that there are frequent departures by train. The round-trip ticket by train costs $40 US.
- By the Inca-trail from Cusco. It takes more or less 3 days of walk; it depends on each one's rhythm. Think of getting a guide, either from a travel agency or directly in Cusco.
- There was before a helicopter link from Cusco (HeliCusco) but it is no longer in service.
How to go
to Iquitos?
By plane, no other possibilities.
Can I travel
around the country by bus or train?
It is indeed possible to traverse the country by bus and often by train. Like everywhere, there are all kinds of service. For buses as for trains, you will find everything: the “local” kind and the “normal tourist” kind with trains with hostesses, TV, etc and of the buses with toilets, air-conditioning, etc. All that is according to your budget.